August 15 2016

Intern-al Thoughts

From Kiersten Rae Signalness

Hello, IAP-ers! This is my first post as IAP’s new intern for the Fall 2014 semester. I am both excited and blessed by this opportunity to dive deeper into the world of international development through such a wonderful organization. My name is Kiersten Rae Signalness (yes, I go by Kiersten Rae. It’s one of those silly double names!). I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. I am a junior at Whitworth University, majoring in International Business with minors in Spanish and music

I have found that I have what I like to call “a passion for the international.” So far, I have been blessed with travels to Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Nicaragua, England, and France and, in each of these places, I have left a little piece of my heart. Though different reasons brought me to each of these locations, the same passion was renewed with each trip. I have always been fascinated by what lies beyond. Airports are my favorite places. I never get homesick because I consider each new place I find as my home. Most importantly, I know that I never travel alone, because the Lord has gone before me, travels with me, and comes behind me (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Knowing that I am covered in His blessing and protection, I am able to tread fearlessly. My degree opens up an infinite number of career possibilities, and I am in the midst of exploring the options in front of me to discern the area in which I would like to launch my career. Whatever the case, I know that travel will be an integral part of pursuing my international passion. Though my area of study involves business, I have decided to look into the development side of things. To me, what sets International Assistance Program apart is the fact that Christ is at the heart of every step

Through this internship, I hope to learn more about microfinance and clean water projects specifically, as well as the other intriguing projects IAP is involved in that encompass medical support, school building, food assistance, and an ever-expanding list of aid avenues around the world. I am looking forward to this semester, as I know that it will be both enriching and eye-opening. Thank you for partnering with us in prayer and for your continuing support. Blessings. • Currently, we are looking for a laptop donation for Moses, our right-hand man in Ghana. Moses is a great help to IAP and fills many roles, including negotiator, transportation service, and businessman.

This donation will be tax deductible and will allow Moses to communicate with us in the States, as well as send us pictures of all of the kids! If you are interested in donating or know anyone who is, please do not hesitate to contact us.